A path less travelled

Blog o pustyni


Co spakować na pustynię

Tips and travel advice are priceless when you travel to a place for the first time. Here you will find some basic recommendations about how to pack for a desert trip as well as when is the best time to come. For more, please feel free to contact us!


Jak żyją ludzie na pustyni?

In demanding climate of the Sahara desert human kindness is the highest virtue. Everyone you meet on your way is your friend.


Kultura pustyni: Jak się witać na Saharze

The ritual of greeting is one of the most consistent in rich culture of the Moroccan Sahara. For an European exchanging a dozen or so adverbs with the same meaning may seem long and unnecessary, but for a nomad it’s absolutely crucial to start any further conversation.


Marokański tadżin: jak kupić

To make a good meal you need a good dish first. Make sure you buy a right one for your needs.


Marokańska herbata i korzenie jej tradycji

It is not possible to travel Morocco without at least few glasses of tea every day. It’s like visiting France without a glass of wine or Italy without ice cream


Marokański tadżin: historia, tradycje i przygotowanie

There are numerous combinations of ingredients in tajines made by different chefs, in many regions in Morocco. Even tajine made by the same person tastes different every day.


Saharyjskie krajobrazy: ergi, regi i hamady

The greatest disbelief about the desert is that there is nothing there but sand covering a flat surface stretching to the horizon. The desert is not that monotonous. It has many faces and its landscape is changing every hour when you walk through it.


Zwierzęta pustyni

The desert is home to many species of birds, camels, cats, foxes, mice, spiders and beetles. As not many people live deep in the desert, it became animals’ world. While for some of them – like camels – human beings are friends, for others we are just intruders disturbing their peace.


Erg Chegaga czy Erg Zahar? Gdzie zobaczyć wielkie wydmy

A journey to the most spectacular big dunes grants not only stunning views, but also seeing many faces of the Sahara on the way.


Wakacje na pustyni: atrakcje marokańskiej Sahary

A common question our friends ask is „what do you actually do in the desert?. It probably comes from a belief that “there is nothing there” which many people share. Let us clear this up a little.